- #Why does canon digital professional 4 seize up code
- #Why does canon digital professional 4 seize up series
The great variations that nobody can explain but that give us a clear sign that the planet is changing. We will try to keep you updated about the variations of the Resonance with this page. As an additional Scientific Device used to measure this resonance I would refer you to this popular site visited by Patriots in the Citizen Digital Army: Schumann Resonance Today. = (11) month (11) Day and Year 2018 0r 2+0+1+8 =(11) Links to documentation below of Seismic Activity.
#Why does canon digital professional 4 seize up code
2018, (a Gematria Code date of 11:11:11) scientist recorded the influx of higher frequencies over an 11,000 miles path across the earth. This Frequency has recently been measured by devices placed around the Globe that I document in the below section on this example as one of the Coincidences. This Frequency/ Vibration elevation Prophesized for a Time Such as This is Ordained by God to Lift Humanity out of the Period of Enslavement and Suffering by raising the Love frequency on Earth. These dark Luciferian entities need negative energy to feed, (LOOSH ENERGY) – – and thrive is why they create Fear, Anger, and Suffering among the masses. This is a time where an elevation to higher consciousness awareness and the elevation of positive higher frequencies begin blanketing the Earth making it difficult for the Archon negative entities to thrive in this new paradigm. Why do so many sexual predators and pedophiles hide behind the pageantry of religion if it were truly from a benevolent God? I have come to discern the powers in numbers are universal and a finite system of order in Gods Vast Universe? The Great Awakening that is now taking place is the shift to a new Age or Time to Be Known As the New Golden Age. Religion will be known for its deception as a paradigm to have power over and a system of control. Fundamental Religions will soon become known as a system of division, not one of unifying diverse souls or praising the creator of the Universe. We were led to believe that these observations and its use were the occult although not so. Article: THE LAW OF VIBRATIONīelow, I will explore how Esoteric principles once hidden from the public are now coming into the mainstream consciousness revealing its hidden powers once secretly dominated by those in Secret Societies, Freemasons, Bilderbergs, and the Deep State Black Hats. Science, through Quantum Physics, is showing us that everything in our universe is energy. To understand this it´s important to know that everything is energy. However, the Law of Vibration serves as the foundation for the Law of Attraction. The Law of Vibration might not be as well known as the Law of Attraction. By reading this 25-page article one can learn of the many elements of corruption that were taking place over the past 50+ years that included the Cover-up of a Sex Trafficking & a Pedophilia Pandemic where Blackmail & Political Bribery was the Glue that sustained a Luciferian & Deep State Run Political System.

As I disclose in my Februarticle entitled “Spiritual Warfare or Just Dirty Politics?” where I introduce folks to the Covert Military Operation where the Current Administration executes TRUMP TZU warfare behind the scenes decimating the Deep State SWAMP that attempted a Coup against America and the Trump Presidency.
#Why does canon digital professional 4 seize up series
In the below article I reveal a series of Coincidences that I have uncovered and linked to the use of Simple Gematria/ Numerology, Sacred Geometry and Math as it relates to Frequency & Vibration as a method of Universal Communication. Many have often said Coincidence is Gods way of remaining Anonymous. The Article Concludes by Posing a Theory to Ponder – Did Queen Elizabeth Surrender to President Donald J. I will share how Synchronicities and Coincidences can often be Higher Consciousness Communication.

Bio & Social Media Links to 5 Awareness Sites Activist Profile History with Justice Reform Efforts Nationally & In The GA Legislature: In The Below Article, I will Share My Discernment and Interpretation with Decoding Energy, Vibration and Frequency as an Adjunct to Language & Universal Communication. By Alan Fountain – Lightworker 11:11, Geopolitical Researcher, & Molestation Prevention Activist/Advocate.